YSEP Logos

Those are the official versions of the YSEP Project Logo.

YSEP Logos

Those are the official versions of the YSEP Project Logo.


This is the official post of the project. If you want to download it just click the button below.

YSEP Roller Banner

This is the official roller banner of the project. If you want to download it just click the button below.

YSEP Roller Banner

This is the official roller banner of the project. If you want to download it just click the button below.

YSEP Roller Banner

This is the official roller banner of the project. If you want to download it just click the button below.

YSEP Trifold Brochure

This is the official tri-fold brochure of the project. If you want to download it just click the button below.

YSEP Trifold Brochure

This is the official tri-fold brochure of the project. If you want to download it just click the button below.


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Creative Commons 2021 YSEP | Created by interMediaKT